

Hi - I would recommend that you work through the FSLNets practical from the FSL course - a lot of this is explained there in detail.

On 11 Sep 2014, at 16:22, Qasim Bukhari <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear FSL experts,
> Can you please help me interpret these results from FSL Nets ?
> 1. arone =
>     0.1117
> RtoZcorrection =
>    17.4595
> arone =
>     0.1117
> RtoZcorrection =
>    17.6594
> 2. Here is another result, which is from the attached figure
> sorted edge#1 nodes 7,4 value=0.997
> What does this mean ? Does this value mean the p-value ?? But sometimes I get values around 0.62 for some nodes; while all the components used in the analysis were above 0.99 p value threshold after benferroni correction.
> 3. I m also not abe to understand the LDA percentages
> [lda_percentages]=nets_lda(netmats3,19, 1) : FLD gives me
> lda_percentages =
>    76.1905
> [lda_percentages]=nets_lda(netmats3,19, 3); which is two group T weighting is
> lda_percentages =
>    90.4762
> I m unable to understand the practical difference between these results; which one am I supposed to use ?
> 4. On the other hand 
> [lda_percentages]=nets_lda(netmats3,19, 8) for libsvm gives me an error because the feature vectors in libsvm are mistakenly getting understood as group-names. 
> svmstruct = svmtrain([ ones(size(xa,2),1) ; zeros(size(xb,2),1) ], [xa xb]' , '-q'); 
> xa is 342x18 matrix. xb is 342x2 matrix. Can you please check and guide what to correct here ?
> 5. If I m trying to find the network differences between 2 groups; and given the clusters figure; what should I be able to interpret ? I can understand that these clusters represents how the good components are connected to each other based on the netmats method that I have used. But if I m looking to find network differences in two groups; how should I select the best netmats results on which this cluster figure is based upon ?? 
> Any help will be highly appreciated
> Thanks a lot and best,
> Qasim
> <jiscmail3.jpg><jiscmail.jpg>

Stephen M. Smith, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Director,  Oxford University FMRIB Centre

FMRIB, JR Hospital, Headington, Oxford  OX3 9DU, UK
+44 (0) 1865 222726  (fax 222717)
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