

Hi Jan,

It seems that you actually would like to see whether there is a change
between post and pre-intervention scans that differs between groups. It
isn't just if post-intervention scans differ between groups, but if when
compared to the baseline (pre-intervention) the groups differ. You can use
the same design as in the previous email, with the subtractions in
fslmaths, and if there isn't a score, or any other variable that could be a
nuisance (e.g., age, sex, disease severity, etc), you can drop the EV4, and
modify the contrast accordingly.

Regarding the what goes in randomise, don't use the *_Z.nii.gz images,
because these are z-scores, which don't possess the same variability of the
original data, which you need to accurately make inferences on that data.
Use instead the non-Z versions of the same files.

Hope this helps!

All the best,


On 25 September 2014 21:52, Jan B <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Anderson,
> thank you very much for your quick response and the valuable suggestions!
> What I really want to know is whether the post-intervention means differ
> between groups when adjusted for the pre-intervention means (my question
> was unclear, sorry for that). So the solution is - as you decribe in the
> 2nd answer - to run an ANOVA using the within-subject differences
> calculated with fslmaths as inputs.
> Do you think that it is appropriate to use the individual
> dr_stage_2..Z.nii.gz files for the difference calculation (they have been
> all generated by one dual regression analysis)?
> All the best,
> Jan