

Dear All,

I'm pleased to announce that following a small amount of funding from City University London, the Researching Asylum in London (RAL) website is once again up and running:

RAL was originally a project linked to the Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees (ICAR) which sadly folded following a funding shortfall. With volunteer support, principally through the efforts of Lilly Carlisle as Research Coordinator, the site is now being updated with summaries of research on issues relevant to asylum seeking communities in London. The basic structure of the resource remains the same and users can search via theme, London Borough, or community. I'm pleased to say that the number of users in London, elsewhere in the UK and internationally is growing and we are receiving positive feedback.

If you have, or know of asylum related research, that is relevant to London and which would benefit from sharing more widely please let us know (using the contact details on the website or to my email: [log in to unmask]). The research will be summarised, cross referenced and made available through the various search routes.

All the best,

Chris and Lilly

Dr Christopher McDowell
Reader in Political Anthropology
Department of International Politics
School of Arts and Social Sciences
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB
Tel: 020 7040 4571
Email: [log in to unmask]
Staff Profile:
Director, Researching Asylum in London
Member, Centre for Memory and Law

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