

*Please note the updated email address to book a place*

Dear Colleague

Please see the attached advert (details outlined below) for an event being organised by the East Midlands Medical Sociology Group held at De Montfort University this November.  Please feel free to share this advert within your networks.

Booking is essential, if you have any queries or would like to book a place, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  Further information will be sent out in due course.

Kind regards


East Midlands Medical Sociology Group Event

You are invited to attend an afternoon seminar organised by the East Midlands Medical Sociology Group and hosted by De Montfort University.

Wednesday 5th November 2014, 2.30 - 4.00pm

Keynote Speaker: Professor Nick J. Fox, Honorary Professor of Sociology, University of Sheffield.

"Personal medical devices, micropolitics and materialism"

Personal medical devices (PMDs) are proliferating, from monitors of blood pressure or blood glucose, through the FitBit and I-Watch, to implantable medical devices.  These have been criticised sociologically for adding to medicalisation or turning people into health consumers to be exploited by digital businesses such as Google or Apple. In this paper I will examine a range of PMDs from the perspective of (new) materialist theory.  I will reverse engineer PMDs to explore their micropolitics, and then offer a radical call for PMDs o be re-engineered to challenge both biomedicine and neo-liberalism. I conclude by discussing Citizen Health.

Nick J. Fox is honorary Professor of Sociology at the University of Sheffield, in the School of Health and Related Research. He is the author of books and articles on a range of topics concerning social theory, health and technology, with recent work on obesity, creativity, emotions and sexuality.  His most recent book, entitled The Body, was published by Polity Press in 2012.

Cost of attendance
This event is free to attend.  Refreshments will be provided.

Booking you place
Booking is essential.  Venue numbers are restricted and it is advisable to book early.  For general enquiries and booking, please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

For academic enquiries please contact Dr Nicky Hudson on [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Full joining instructions will be circulated to delegates prior to the event.