


if a student has to use a Mac to access course-related software, then the course is Mac based".

I just had a response from a course leader saying that the student would have to use at least one program that is solely Mac and would also use an acoustics package which is only available via a Windows machine. So - the above definition does not work. All good fun!!



On 04/09/2014 15:07, Michael Parry wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">
certainly creative, Claire :  )

I thought Robin's definition was pretty good:

if a student has to use a Mac to access course-related software, then the course is Mac based".

I think these days that probably just means they use Logic (music production) or Final Cut (video production). 

As for 'has to', that's harder. What if there is just one optional module where they use either of those programs? For me, that's not 'mac-based'.

I usually email the course leader with a definition of 'mac-based' (as above, perhaps with a bit more detail) and ask them literally for a 'yes' or 'no' response. It seems to work. I haven't had any 'what on earth do you mean?' responses yet.

Or, if the Art Dept is completely deserted over the summer (often is), put the onus on the student to get a response from the course leader. That ALWAYS works. 

NB - I did an MA in Mulitmedia Production at John Moores Uni, which most definately IS mac-based. I passed the course using a PC. Not with flying colours, mind, but that was nothing to do with the platform ..


Mike Parry
Study Needs Assessor/AT Trainer

On 4 September 2014 14:12, John Conway <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
I'm a little surprised that there isn't a list, or rather that one can't be compiled, to identify courses which are genuinely MAC -based given the cost implications to the tax payer and the pressures for life-style choice of a Mac.

With regards,


Sent from my iPad

> On 4 Sep 2014, at 13:42, "Peter Hill" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for the replies on this issue - which, I guess, remains a vexed one.
> Regards
> Peter
> ---------
>> On 04/09/2014 12:40, Claire Salter wrote:
>> I've said it before, but I need to say again. I love the clarity and creativity of your responses.
>> Kind regards
>> Claire Salter
>>> On 4 Sep 2014, at 11:17, "Penny Georgiou" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hello Peter,
>>> We need to formulate our question in a way that is consistent with DSA remit
>>> and so is viable for SFE, as well as Course Tutors to construct a
>>> well-reasoned opinion.
>>> Something like: Would a student be disadvantaged by virtue of their
>>> disability if they did not have access to a MAC or particular specification
>>> of PC (in some cases)?
>>> I have obtained a change of position from SFE for a student who was on a MAC
>>> based course, and where the tutor's position was not crisp enough to enable
>>> SFE to justify funding for the MAC.
>>> The point has been that if the teaching assumed in terms of a MAC based
>>> context, a student would have to be translating instructions between MAC and
>>> PC in order to keep pace with their peers. This is not reasonable. MAC and
>>> PC may be, in principle, interchangeable for 'techies', but this is not the
>>> case for most of the students that we work with, often by virtue of their
>>> condition - any of the conditions affecting cognitive elements (memory,
>>> attention, processing speed, etc etc) would imply delays in processing and
>>> translating information between differing contexts. The physical conditions
>>> where physical fatigue is an issue would also have implications, where the
>>> student is not a MAC/PC friendly user, the effort would have cumulative
>>> effects of delay on someone who is contending with various other logistical
>>> obstacles as well, by virtue of their condition.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Penny
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Discussion list for disabled students and their support staff.
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Robin Hodges
>>> Sent: 04 September 2014 11:02
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: Mac-based courses
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> This is my problem with this policy - SFE have *never defined* what a
>>> 'solely Mac based course' actually is, and in the sense of producing written
>>> coursework, there is no such thing.
>>> It seems to be left to interpretation. My personal interpretation is that
>>> a student has to use a Mac to access course-related software, then the
>>> course is Mac based.
>>> Regards,
>>> Robin Hodges
>>> DSA Assessor
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Discussion list for disabled students and their support staff.
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Peter Hill
>>> Sent: 04 September 2014 08:45
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Mac-based courses
>>> Hi
>>> Can someone point me towards an SFE definition of a Mac-based course?
>>> Responses by course leaders about this can be a little woolly.
>>> Any advice welcomed.
>>> Regards
>>> Peter
>>> --
>>> Peter Hill
>>> Needs Assessor
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> Tel: 01299 878747
>>> Mobile: 07751 792711
> --
> Peter Hill
> Needs Assessor
> [log in to unmask]
> Tel: 01299 878747
> Mobile: 07751 792711

Peter Hill

Needs Assessor

[log in to unmask]
Tel: 01299 878747
Mobile: 07751 792711