

Please find enclosed details of the upcoming Across the Indian symposium to be held at the Senate House on Wed 29th October 2014.

The Indian Ocean region has been marked as ‘hybrid’, ‘creole’, ‘creolised’, and ‘plural’. These ongoing processes have been analysed across a raft of disciplines and media and have also acted as theoretical inroads into inequalities linked to the region’s colonial past and its current economic and geostrategic positioning. Much like the Caribbean region, the Indian Ocean region experienced not only encounters between African slaves and European colonial masters and resulting cleavages created by hierarchies of race, class, gender, sexuality and language, but also great social complexity through cross-cultural exchanges in trade, labour, religion and culture.

In the way in which the politics of the past is similar to the Caribbean, this symposium seeks to explore the politics of the present across the Indian Ocean region. These comprise Mauritius, Seychelles, Réunion Island, Comoros and Madagascar.

The speakers will be Professor Francoise Vergès and Dr Shihan de Silva.