

Posters and Demonstrations Track - Call for Submissions

The poster and demonstration session of EKAW 2014 is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present their

-innovative prototypes,
-practical developments,
-on-going projects, and
-late-breaking results.

The posters and demo session is a great opportunity to discus problems, solutions, and applications with other conference participants and establish new collaborations. We encourage contributions that are likely to stipulate critical or controversial discussions about any of the areas of the EKAW conference series. We also invite developers to showcase their systems and the benefit they can bring to a particular application.

We invite submissions relevant to the area of knowledge management, knowledge engineering and acquisition, and knowledge in use. All submissions should relate to some research project, whether it is ongoing or work in progress, and should not be advertisements for commercial software packages.

Authors must submit a paper in PDF format (following Springer Verlag LNCS guidelines), which describes the planned contents of the poster or demonstration to be presented, and submit it via EasyChair( Each paper will be reviewed by members of the poster/demonstration program committee, who will judge the originality, topicality and clarity of the proposed contents. The maximal length of the paper is 4 pages for poster or demonstration descriptions. Submissions that exceed the page limit will be rejected without review.

The submitted paper should describe the goal of the project described in the poster or the tool to be demonstrated in a clear and understandable way, and give a brief explanation of how this goal will/has been achieved. Please make sure that it is clear how the tool or poster fits with the topics of interest of EKAW 2014. For demonstrations, authors are strongly encouraged to include in their submission a link to where the demo (live or recorded video) can be found. They should also make clear what exactly will be demonstrated to the participants (e.g., what datasets will be used, which functionalities will be showed).

At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and present the work at the Poster/Demo Session. We are currently discussing the possibility of publishing accepted poster and demo papers in a supplementary post-conference proceedings in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).

Important Dates:
-Poster and Demo Submission: September 30, 2014 (Extended)
-Notification: October 15, 2014
-Camera-Ready: October 24, 2014

Guilin Qi
Uli Sattler

Program Committee Members:
Stefan Dietze
Tudor Groza
Stuart Wrigley
Miriam Fernandez
Christopher Thomas
Boris Villazón-Terrazas
Matthew Horridge
Pascal Molli
Nicolas Matentzoglu
Liang Chang
Bernhard Schandl
Pierre-Antoine Champin
Alessandro Adamou
Hala Skaf-Molli
Haofen Wang
Yue Ma

Prof. Guilin Qi
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Tel: +86 (25) 52090910