

Hi All,

I have what I think is a whale auditory bullae, and was hoping to identify it down to species. It's from a Gulf of Georgia site on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. It is not associated with a group that is known to hunt whales. From the comparisons I have done, it appears to be too large for a dolphin or a harbour porpoise - the other two species in the area are orca and dall's porpoise.....Although considering the context of the site it would not be out of the question for it to have been brought in from another region of the coast.  

Any thoughts?

It is is almost 3 inches long and just over 1 1/4 inch wide at its widest point and about 1 inch wide at its narrowest. 

- And thank you to those who helped with the Dogfish ID!! 

Pictures can be seen here:
