

Dear Gabriele Soranna,

In answer to the second part of your e-mail.

For bones of exotic animals, I use:

Walker, Rikki (1985) A guide to post-cranial bones of East African animals. Norfolk, Hylochoerus Press (34 Chalk Hill Road, Norwich, Norfolk NRI 1SL)
ISBN 0 9511105 1 9. It has some of the animals you mention. I fear that it is now out of print, but the bone drawings are excellent.

Another reference that includes some drawings of bones of animals like rhino and elephant is (also probably out of print now):
Lavocat, R. (direction) (1966) Atlas de Préhistoire Tome III. Faunes et flores préhistoriques de l’Europe occidentale. Éditions N. Boubée et Cie, Paris

For Equus hydruntinus the best is:
Stehlin, Hans G. and Graziosi , P. (1935) Ricerche sugli Asinidi fossili d’Europa. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse 56, 1-73 [incidentally, for equids, Vera Eisenmann has a web page which explains quite a lot about the osteology of the various equid species]

. . . and for carnivores like the hyaenas, I find Mme Bonifay’s monograph useful:
Bonifay, M.-F. (1971) Carnivores Quaternaires du sud-est de la France. Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle.Paris. Série C, 21, fasc 2, 51-370

In general, in order to purchase out of print books, I visit the site:<> and click on ‘out of print books’.

Good luck,

Simon Davis

De: Analysis of animal remains from archaeological sites [mailto:[log in to unmask]] Em nome de Gabriele Soranna
Enviada: quarta-feira, 20 de Agosto de 2014 23:48
Para: [log in to unmask]
Assunto: [ZOOARCH] dog withers height and "exotic" species

Dear Zooarchs All,

I am aware that the topic was dealt with some time ago (I found the related messages) and I am sorry to bring it up again but I would be in some need of Clark's article. Unfortunately Harcourt' contribute does not deal with dog metapodials and within a tiny bone assemblage I am currently studying (Roman, III AD - X AD, Rome), I have got only whole metapodials (Mtc III, V; Mtx III, IV, V) from which I could manage to estimate some withers height. What's more, the article seems to be impossible to find in Rome at the moment (the libraries are also closed for the summer holidays). Would anyone be so kind to send me a pdf copy or, if not possible, to indicate to me the ratio related to metapodials? It would be extremely helpful.

The article full reference is as follows:

Clark K.M. 1995. The later prehistoric and protohistoric dog: the emergence of canine diversity. Archaeozoologia 7 (2), 9-32.

One more question, perhaps rather silly. Could anyone suggest me a reference atlas, if anything like that exists, to buy or look up about bones (and teeth) of "exotic" wild species (at least with respect to the Northern Mediterranean area) during Greek-Roman period like elephant, rhinoceros, hippo, giraffe, ostrich, crocodile, big cats, camel and so on? I suspect to be dealing with some "exotic" specimens but I haven't got any reference collection at my disposal at the moment.

Thank you so much in advance for any suggestion or help.

Gabriele Soranna

Field Archaeologist and Zooarchaeologist,  BA, MA