

Eve, if you're reluctant to skin the marmot, or feel that you don't have
the technique, why not go down to the store, buy a whole fresh chicken,
and skin that? Almost exactly the same deal in terms of tissue layers &
feel. Use a scalpel or XActo knife instead of regular kitchen utensils.
And unlike the 'hog, you CAN safely eat the chicken afterwards. Go for it!
-- Dr. Deb

> Hello All,
> Thank you very much for all your kind, supportive and informative
> replies to my query.
> I'm wondering if I should quit this volunteer archaeologist schtick and
> just stick to knitting!
> Hoggie is now in the freezer and I will consult with my vet. In the
> meantime, all your responses will be filed. I now feel challenged to do
> my first skinning a butchering, but think a little more preparation than
> digging out my cutting board and mat knife may be in order.
> Eve