

Hi All,

Thanks for all your replies. Not surprisingly, there are contradictory 
views, especially about putting hoggie in a pot with compost in the 
city. I am going to consider all suggestions. At the moment, hoggie is 
in the fridge. (My nephew refused to have a glass of juice until I 
reassured him that the juice wasn't in the fridge.)

I wish I had someone to teach me how to skin an animal. I like clean 
bones - I'm rather grossed out by the whole idea of skinning, 
eviscerating etc. (I'm mostly vegetarian, I don't like handling meat!)

I may end up calling my very friendly vet and see if she would bury him 
in her garden.


> As eotter says... boiling is an option. Better when fresh, as 
> mentioned. Roadkill can be nutritious but you don't have much 
> knowledge of its health...can't say I generally recommend it. At least 
> you know cause of death in this case...  I'd still gut and skin before 
> cooking.
> Take care not to over-boil. It softens the bones quite a lot. 
> Epiphyses and cancellous bone areas may disintegrate. Rub clean gently 
> and let dry before handling too much. Test out your techniques with a 
> chicken or too.
> Pam