Lotte Konow Lund invited me [KimSu] to participate in a group show for the fall of 2014 at RAKE visnigsrom on the "moving studio", so I am taking my studio on a walk on St. Olav's Way, Pilegrimsleden, the Pilgrim's route following the eastern trail out of Oslo on the Gudbrandsdalen Path as marked out by the National Pilgrim Center and the Directorate for Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Environmental Affairs in Norway. Why take such a obviously demarcated path? I'm a stranger to Norway, maybe not to Oslo, and to Nature, maybe not to urban and suburban gardens, so my yellow brick road is a path littered with the endorsements of history as bloody and deadly as that always is. My Oz is to do what a robust walk always does, clears the mind for the good stuff, the things I like best in the world: to take it in, and the way I like best: making it back as a thought, a gesture, a thing. And then when I go again on the walk/enter the studio the world is informed and inflected by what is made, and it is perceived anew, enriched and sometimes obfuscated so one begins again, but like a walk, you can't take back that step even when walking backwards. This is the only repetition I can bear. Vacuuming, doing the laundry, or sometimes eating three meals a day can seem like such a failed accomplishment because you have to do it all over again a week later or the next day. But each step of a walk and every one after it and every time I can go into the studio it is scary and exciting with the substance of life: tedium, exhilaration, boredom, fascination, labor, efflorescence….My bipedal body can get trapped by binarism so walking the landscape offers a simultaneously reassuring and devastating reminder that the world is big, really big, bigger than what I have thought and experienced up until now. So, enter the studio I must, and for this month the studio is across the south-north path between Oslo and Trondheim.

My request to you on my approximately 643/400 km/mile walk starting today, August 1, 2014 and I project to conclude at RAKE visningsrom on September 1, 2014, is for an "Art Blessing". It can be an email, or an object made sent to me care of Rake visningsrom, Strandveine 21, 7042 Trondheim, or, among friends (or strangers if that is your pleasure), sing a song or tell a funny joke in honor of taking a good long walk. 

The progress of the walk will not be posted on the internet. 

If you would like to join me for an afternoon you can estimate where I might be according to the German guidebook the Pilegrimsleden Center is selling. I calculated the arrival time in Trondheim by using the average walking distance of 24 km a day with a rest day after six days of walking. Flat terrain I will cover more ground and steep terrain less. 

Oslo Rådhuset/Oslo Middelalderparken–(12.8 km)*–Stovner–(10.7 km)–Skedsmokorset––(27 km)––Hovin––(31.1)––Eidsvoll–––(40.5)–––Tangen––(29.9)––Hamar–––(35)–––Moelv–––(37.8 km)–––Lillehammer–––(41.5)–––Mageli Camping–––(34.5 km)–––Dale-Gudbrands Gard––––(48 km)––––Otta–––(35.6 km)–––Dovre––––(53 km)––––Kongsvold––––(47 km)––––Oppdal––––(49.8 km)––––Rennebu–––––(62.2 km)–––––Skaun–(15 km)–Øysand––(26.4 km)––Nidaros Cathedral,Trondheim/RAKE visningsrom, Strandveine 21, 7042 Trondheim

*These distances signify what fits on the guidebook map page, not what will be walked in a day, and it is the distance between the location name in front and after it.

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