

Dear SRN member, 

Reminder: your network needs you!

Three places are vacant for the SRN Executive Council, serving for two years (starting from October 2014). On this day there are fewer nominations then places available, so I encourage you to consider nomination.

To serve on the Executive you must have been signed up to this mailing list for more than one year, and should provide me with a short statement (max. 250 words) on your reasons for wanting to serve, which I will then circulate to members. Your nomination should be seconded by two other members (an email confirmation to me is all that is required).

Statements and confirmation by seconders should reach me (<[log in to unmask]>) by August 22 (as my students know all too well: deadline at 23:59:59:99 Brussels time :-)

Consider the Executive Council more in terms of a think tank than as a purely administrative body. The tasks are not difficult, nor too demanding, and you will be helping the screenwriting research community to develop and grow. Screenwriting research is gaining considerable momentum and the SRN brings together scholars and practitioners (with an interest in research) who used to work in isolation. We have developed a body of scholars who share their enthusiasms and concerns, and develop new ideas with others. We have the opportunity to consolidate our hard-won position, with just a tiny effort from some of the members.

Below you will find the original call.

Best wishes,


We hereby call for nominations for election to the SRN Executive. There are three posts available, and each nomination must have a proposer and a seconder, each having been members of the SRN for at least one year. The candidate should include a short statement for circulation to members. These posts are not specific office-holders; it is normal for the Executive themselves to decide on who takes which role, at the first meeting after the AGM. 

Please note that the executive council members may offer themselves for re-election.  If there are more than three nominations elections will be organized at the Annual General Meeting to be held during the next screenwriting conference in Potsdam, Germany on October 19, at 1-2 pm. 

Please send a short statement (max. 250 words) explaining why you are seeking elections or re-election by August 22, 2014 to the manager of the elections, Dr. Ronald Geerts, his e-mail is <[log in to unmask]>. The file should include the names and the locations of the proposer and seconder. By September 5th, the nominations are forwarded to members. 

Those not attending the Annual General Meeting will be asked to vote in a confidential email sent to the election officer. Votes must be received by email no later than October 10th, 10:00 Potsdam time. Members attending the AGM in person may cast their vote on the day of the election, by secret ballot. Both sets of votes will be counted together.

Ronald Geerts
Theater - Film - Schrijven
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte
Vakgroep Taal- en Letterkunde (TALK)

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