

Bits by bits, L. Quite the picture…

On Aug 20, 2014, at 7:39 AM, Lawrence Upton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Neat round goat droppings on white sand;
> tomato sauce on spaghetti;
> black eyes; loose plasters on running legs;
> a dog's tail wagging; washing on a line
> on a windy day; smoke trails
> in a clear sky; a public library;
> motor car with smoky exhaust;
> a hanged man; a cigarette
> lighter flame on a windy night

Douglas Barbour
[log in to unmask]

Recent publications: (With Sheila E Murphy) Continuations & Continuation 2 (UofAPress).
Recording Dates (Rubicon Press).

Something else is out there

And I want to hear it
