

**Apologies for cross posting**

SUNCAT - Serials Union CATalogue for the UK research community

We are delighted to welcome the Royal Veterinary College ( as a new SUNCAT contributing library.  This addition brings the total number of contributing libraries to 98, plus the CONSER database, the ISSN register and the Directory of Open Access Journals.

The Royal Veterinary College is one of the world's leading specialist veterinary institutions. Founded in 1791, it has a proud heritage of innovation in veterinary science, clinical practice and education. The Library is divided between two sites; Camden, in central London, and Hawkshead, near Potters Bar. Both are intended primarily for use by students and staff of The Royal Veterinary College but external visitors may consult the libraries' stock by prior arrangement.  The material at Camden reflects the pre-clinical and taught post-graduate courses there, while the Hawkshead stock covers the clinical and taught post-graduate courses at that site, with most veterinary material held at Hawkshead. The Royal Veterinary College have contributed around 750 records to SUNCAT.

For a full list of the 98 libraries contributing to SUNCAT, please go to: 

For further information and news about SUNCAT please see our website:
the SUNCAT Blog:
SUNCAT on Twitter (@suncatteam) or contact the EDINA helpdesk at [log in to unmask]  

Best wishes

Zena Mulligan
SUNCAT Project Officer

EDINA                                                           URL:
Causewayside House                                        Tel: 0131 650 3302
158-162 Causewayside                                     Fax: 0131 650 3308
EDINBURGH  EH9 1PR                              Email:  [log in to unmask]

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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