

I must say I do get a lot of requests from this journal, and would welcome some others to share the load! The papers are often quite good and interesting, and it is good for you/me to read what others are publishing - sometimes to be able to suggest that they read something they've missed from the UK scholarship! Don't reply to me - send a CV to QHR to join their list of reviewers!

Pass to your postgrads and registrars, if you have any that might benefit from this opportunity to develop their CVs .....

Mark R D Johnson
Emeritus Professor of Diversity in Health & Social Care
Mary Seacole Research Centre / CEEHD
De Montfort University Leicester LE1 9BH

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From: [log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of [log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 01 August 2014 00:14
To: Mark Johnson
Subject: A message to our reviewers from Qualitative Health Research

[Our apologies to those of you who might be receiving this message for the second time. There was a technical difficulty that prevented complete distribution the first time, approximately 2 weeks ago.]

Dear reviewer,

Before anything else, we want to thank you for all the wonderful work you have done over this past year in reviewing for QHR!  Understanding that we are critically short of reviewers, some of you have truly gone the extra mile and completed reviews more often than in the past.  We are so grateful for your support!

We want to once again recommend that you write your reviews in Word, and then copy and paste them into appropriate sections on the score sheet.  The ScholarOne/SageTrack system is enormous, and as such, does have occasional "glitches" that can cause the system to disrupt your access unexpectedly.  We are always dismayed when we learn that a reviewer has spent considerable time and effort completing a comprehensive review, only to have it disappear wtihout warning.  Saving your work first in a Word document can help prevent this; we appreciate your understanding.

Because we are in such need of reviewers - primarily because we continue to receive so many submissions - we could use your help in adding people to our Reviewer Board.  We would appreciate it if you would spread the word to your colleagues and graduate students.  All they need to do is send their current CV to Dori Fortune ([log in to unmask]) and ask to become a reviewer.  The CV should include mention of their qualitative work or training.  Reviewers need not hold a doctorate; however, we do ask that students be "mentored" through the process the first few times they review.

In other news, we are pleased to announce the 4th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research, to be held March 18-20, 2015, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

Workshops include:

Getting a Qualitative Article Published (Mitch Allen); Basics of Focus Group Research (Martha Ann Carey); Mixed-Methods Research (David L. Morgan); Let the Data Be Your Guide (Raymond C. Maietta); Back to the Future: Beyond the Qual/Quant Divide (Michael Agar); Community-Based Participatory Research: Tapping Into the Complexity of Interculturality for Health (Maria Mayan); Grounded Theory (Juliet Corbin); Developing Qualitative Inquiry Theoretically (Janice Morse); and Investigación Cualitativa: Diáologos para la Interculturalidad in Salud (Yolanda Oliva Peña)

Conference Topics:

Health and gender; Methodological and transdisciplinary issues; Community and public health; Health evaluation; Complex systems; Health in catastrophic situations; Practices and interventions; Cultural topics; and Traditional and emergent approaches

Conference Format:

Keynote addresses, Oral presentations, Workshops, Symposia, and Poster presentations

Deadline for Abstract Submission:  September 15, 2014

For More Information:

Telephone: (52) 999 2863121
Web site:
Email: [log in to unmask]
Facebook: 4th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research

Jan will be attending, and hopes to see many of you there!

With our very best regards and appreciation for all you do,

Jan Morse, Editor
Dori Fortune, Technical Editor
Qualitative Health Research