

Dear FSL experts,

I have been doing and analysis with TBSS.

In the step 4 it explains about thresholding. Normal threshold is set at 0.2...

For ensuring that all the process till here has gone in the right direction, I have uploaded all_FA and mean_FA_skeleton in fslview and changed the colourmap for the skeleton in green.

Minimum is 0 and maximum is 0.17638.  Following your recommendation I have changed this display range and I have wrote 2000 as minimum and 8000 as maximum. And what happens is that the green of my skeleton disappears. I have tried with other minimum of 1000 but nothing changes. All my principal tracts are correctly aligned for every subject in the relevant tracts, I have been inspecting this with the movie loop...What I do not understand is why it does not work for me? and, if it would be correct setting a threshold of 0.2 or 0.1 in the next stage?

Best regards,