Hey @all,

Ich have some RS data and want to use DCM in the end. For that I'm preparing the data for RS. So my question has four aspects:

1.  How is it possible to regress out nuisance covariates with SPM like the global mean signal, white matter signal, CSF signals and then export the residuals for further analysis, e.g. functional connectivity? (Further more (how to obtain those signal parameters)

2. How to bandbass (e.g. 0.01-0.08 Hz) filter my data to reduce effects of very low frequeny and high frequency physiological noise?

3. Which DCM (timeseries or cross-spectra) to use when e.g. the effective connectivity between 3 ROIs should be investigated in RS data?

4. Is it even necessary to use the preprocessing steps from point 1&2 for the DCM analysis?

My SPM version is 12b with the latest update

Thanks in advance
