

Dear Matyáš,

you can use the saved p-images that are log-scaled:
% p-value   -log10(1-P)
% 0.1       1
% 0.05      1.3
% 0.01      2
% 0.001     3
% 0.0001    4

If you want to threshold the image at p<0.001 simply use imcal with "i1.*(i1>3) (or cg_slice_overlay_ui.m). The log-scaling allows linear scaled p-values in the colorbar.

There exist both uncorrected p-maps and as well as FDR or FWE corrected maps (indicated with the abbreviation). The numbering for the p-maps is according to the number in the contrast manager.

And of course you can use the TFCE toolbox for mice.



On Tue, 8 Jul 2014 14:17:41 +0200, Matyáš <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Dear all,
>I am using TFCE toolbox from Christian Gaser to do TFCE correction after
>my VBM analysis of mice (using spmmouse). I can't view the results since
>it is for mice so I would like to access only the output files from TFCE
>toolbox. I would like to know, how can I find the exact value of
>threshold displayed on plot called "Distribution of maximum tfce" from
>this toolbox, so I could threshold my TFCE images to view results. Is it
>stored somewhere in SPM.mat file?
>And is it OK to use this toolbox for mice at all? :)
>Thank you in advance,