

Hi David,

I reorient and set the centre of the structural images based on the template for all cases. But then I realized I should do the reorientation for functional images at the same time so that I can coregister the functional image to structural image in preprocessing. I forgot the value of the radians I used for structural image. I did it all manually and the value varies between cases. Where can I find the value. And if I can find them, where should I put them down to reorient my functional images?


Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2014 16:39:16 +0200
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [SPM] Forgot to reorient functional image
To: [log in to unmask]

Hi Shiyu,
If by reorient you mean to apply some degree of rotation, you can quickly use the ¡°Display¡± section, apply the desired rotation (remember is in radians) and then apply those parameters to as many images as you select.

El 08/07/2014, a las 16:27, TangShiyu <[log in to unmask]> escribi¨®:Hello everyone,

Sorry to bother. But I made a mistake when manually reorienting the images. I was trying to make a study specific structural template. So I forgot to reorient the functional image together with the structural image. Is there any way that I can do the same reorientation to functional image for each case later? This may be a improper question here. But I searched online and didn't find any solution. Do I have to redo the reorientation for all the cases?

