

A bit of fun this morning!

Mick and Hilary from the Duct Tape Uni team are in Bristol at the moment
at the JISC SOSI <> summer
school doing a bit of work on the communications around the project and
we have come up with an interesting way of explaining it in a nutshell.

Instead of creating *MOOCs* (think slow moving cows), Duck Tape
University will help projects to create *QUAACs* -

*QUAACs* are *Q*uick*U*ser-led*A*ccessible*A*cademic*C*ommunities*.*

      Are you a Quack-a-demic?

*QUAACs* are small, domain specific, community created mini-repositories
which can act as a user-friendly front-end to larger repositories like
Jorum, FLOSS Manuals <> and other OER
<> from diverse

*QUAACs* are fun, accessible ways of experimenting with the advantages
of networked learning and the power of using Open Educational Resources
within an environment of quality control and reflective practice.

*QUAACs* use a co-design process to work with a fledgling community of
use (e.g. a University department, a subject-specific project or an
existing learning community) to create a resource sharing tool that is
large enough to be flexible but small enough to find what you need by
browsing or searching.

*QUAACs* embody the way of the web (think feet). They find it easy to
fly between sites and they use lightweight flexible metadata solutions
like LRMI <> to help them to be found by other

So if you want to take part in creating the world's first QUAAC in
Manchester- see this post