Your first issue: this is an issue best addressed by HR as they have up to date records of deployment. Or you could ask for access to the HR system so that you could track where people are. Interested to know who/how you receive notifications that the FF has been injured, maybe you could tap into that line off communication.

Second issue: of course other people have keys. As long as everything is securely locked away I don't see a problem.  Not sure about the open window problem, I can't imagine that there would be anything said during health surveillance that would be highly confidential, neither can I imagine why people would congregate outside said window, unless I'm missing something? The OHT could always close the window........if the level of concern was deemed high enough

Thelma Jameson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

First, i want to apologise for the long text here but i am find out a lot in this new role that i do not agree with or have concerns with and hope to put it to you here for support in the coming months.

for now, can anyone with knowledge/suggestion in this area support please?



In our department employees change workstation frequently and usually seems as though we are the last people to know. When we have firefighters/rescuer involved and hurt in disaster/incident r, we are to contact them no later than the next working day to enquire about their wellbeing. We then attach in internal email "fit form" - a form with is a template use in the department to inform the manager of that employee if fit/unfit/or fit with adjustment.

What i have found that i get and email that the employee has left the department and gone to another. I have suggested to password protect the fit form and to ask the manager to contact us for the password.  Understandably, other OH in the department thinks we will be inundated with phone calls as we generate many of this forms in a day for several scenarios.


The password protection via Word doc worked brilliantly in the NHS even though we dealt with outside contracts. However, with the nature of this organisation in which the firefighters mobilise geographically often without notifying us, i want to find a way of sorting this problem out.


On another note/problem,  we are going paperless and so most docs are on secured computer  but i am concerned that everyone that work in the department has a key  to all doors within the OH department. We also share the building with another service provider to the organisation who are not part of OH and they are based upstairs. However, i have witness on 2 occasions when OH technician doing health surveillance, the windows are open and people can hear what was being said outside during the process. People can park their cars or congregate outside the windows. Also during audio, noise from upstairs intense.


I want to address these issues but will need sound advice that it workable.


I look forwards to your support.


Many thanks


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