

Message from the MIST mailing list.


Dear Colleagues.


We now invite you to submit contributed abstracts to our upcoming Fall AGU 2014 SH/SM/SA/NH session entitled “Bz from the Sun to the Earth: Observations and Modeling”.  The session description, convenor and other relevant details are below.


Details of this year’s Fall AGU can be found here:, and the abstract-submission system is now open and can be accessed directly for this session here:; please note carefully that the whole submission system has changed this year (instructions/tutorial can be found here: and that the hard submission deadline is 07 August 2014 at 03:59UT (which translates as 06 August 2014 23:59 EDT and 06 August 2014 20:59 PDT).


Authors are allowed to submit up to two invited abstracts, or one invited abstract and one contributed abstract, or just one contributed abstract as first author and the first author must be a current AGU member for 2014; first authors may also submit one additional contributed abstract to an Education (ED) or Public Affairs (PA) session (please see for further abstract-submission rules and details).


Please submit your abstract sooner rather than later in case of problems with the new submission system or with your AGU membership credentials rather than risk missing the hard deadline due to any such or other unforseen problems.


Many thanks in advance and we look forward to receiving you submission shortly!


Best wishes,


Mario (on behalf of the session convenors as detailed below).



Session Details:


AGU Session ID# 2237 – “Bz from the Sun to the Earth: Observations and Modeling” – joint SH-SM-SA-NH Session

Conveners: Mario M. Bisi (RAL Space, UK) – Mario.Bisi [at], Bernard V. Jackson (UC San Diego, USA) – bvjackson [at], J. Todd Hoeksema (Stanford University, USA) – todd [at], and Raymond  J. Walker (UC Los Angeles/NSF, USA) – rwalker [at] [at]


This session solicits contributions about the current status of, and potential advances in, observations, measurements, and modeling techniques used to study Bz from its origins below the solar “surface”, through the inner heliosphere to the Earth.  The ability to determine and predict heliospheric magnetic field is also of high importance for space-weather forecasting; a southward-directed field component is thought to be the primary driver of sub-storms and geomagnetic activity at Earth.  High-speed solar wind, especially at the time of transient structure arrival (e.g. during coronal mass ejections) at Earth, is also of a high importance in producing geomagnetic changes.  Topics can include, but are not limited to, Bz emergence, Bz in the solar wind and solar-wind transients/flux ropes, tracing Bz ‘evolution’ from the Sun to the Earth, Bz predictability at the Earth, and the role Bz plays in geomagnetic activity including the flow of solar-wind energy into Earth's upper atmosphere.


Confirmed invited speakers:

Christopher Russell, UCLA

Karel Schrijver, Lockheed Martin

Vic Pizzo, NOAA/SWPC


Index Terms:

2134 - Interplanetary Physics: Interplanetary magnetic fields

4305 - Natural Hazards: Space Weather

7513 - Solar Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy: Coronal Mass Ejections

7954 - Space Weather: Magnetic storms


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