

Maybe request is not stopping the discussion about Gaza, but just to do it on a separate specific list where all interested  people can go. 
Elisa Soncini

"Campbell, Vincent P. (Dr.)" <[log in to unmask]> ha scritto:

>Hi All,
>There's a risk that these threads are becoming about something entirely other than about the mediation of the Gaza conflict. I have a question about that too, but first a question about mediation related to Jon Snow's video comment, as discussed in the piece below:
>When I saw the video it reminded me of Martin Bell's 'journalism of attachment' moment that he experienced in the 1990s. A key difference here is how Snow can use YouTube to circumvent OfCom rules whereas Bell at least partially because of his change of view ended up leaving journalism for politics, briefly. All very interesting and I wonder what people think about this- is this a potential UK equivalent to the so-called "Cronkite Moment"? ( W. Joseph Campbell's 2010 book 'Getting it Wrong' offers a nice corrective on Cronkite- he's no relation by the way). Alternatively is it the thin end of the wedge for due impartiality in British broadcasting?
>On the issue of the purpose of the list, I've been very interested in the evolution of the criticisms of those who have questioned the appropriateness of the thread and who have unsubscribed or threatened to unsubscribe, ranging from criticisms of technical competence/effort- "how hard is it to delete messages?" type comments, to assertions that such people are indifferent to people dying. I'm particularly interested in the view, clearly shared by more than one or two people, that we as academics (perhaps as citizens too/instead?) have some kind of responsibility or duty to participate in such discussions, and to not do so somehow compromises professional values/rationale etc. I'm interested not so much in that view in general (what academic is entirely uninterested in the dissemination of their views after all) so much as in relation to new media platforms such as an organisation's mailing list, and why people think such a platform is entirely the right/wrong place for such activity.
>Best wishes,
>Vincent Campbell
>University of Leicester
>Sent from my iPad
>> On 31 Jul 2014, at 16:58, "John Storey" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> The announcement of the intention to unsubscribe, rather than actually
>> doing it, is in fact part of the debate. What is really being announced is
>> the request for others to stop talking about what is happening in Gaza and
>> the inadequate media coverage of it. Remaining quiet while crimes against
>> humanity continue is to promote a very particular politics.
>> Prof Dr John Storey
>> Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies
>> University of Sunderland
>> UK
>>> On 31/07/2014 16:48, "Paul Ward" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Yes, it seems a real shame that some people would rather entirely
>>> leave/unsubscribe from the MECCSA discussion group, instead of deleting
>>> unwanted emails (admittedly a lot, in this specific case) or 'muting'
>>> them as Gabriel suggests, so they don't arrive in the first place (or
>>> moving to digest as I think Lee Salter suggested earlier). There are
>>> options open to you instead of leaving entirely. One person even noted
>>> people were probably sending "unsubscribe" emails to the entire
>>> membership to express that they felt "angry and helpless" at this ongoing
>>> thread . . . Seriously? "I am angry and helpless due to a discussion
>>> about the mediation of a socio-political situation on a message group
>>> devoted to the discussion of media, culture and communication!" An odd
>>> thing to get angry about
>>> And the 'please take this discussion somewhere else' objections - Jo
>>> Knowles nailed that very 

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