


I would be very grateful for some feedback regarding my GLM model for a 3 (group) x 2 (condition) Mixed Effect ANOVA. 
I have been following the instructions based on the 2-groups, 2-levels per subject (2-way Mixed Effect ANOVA) as described on the GLM section of the fslwiki ( I also used this post to clarify the 3 group  approach: (
Currently the set-up is like this (only 2 subjects per group included):

            	 EV1(con)   EV2 (conX1&2)     EV3(conX1&3)   EV4(conX2&3)   EV5(s1)     EV6(s2)     EV7(s3) ...
G1C1		  1	              1		                 1		              0		           1	           0	              0    
G1C2		 -1	             -1		                -1		              0		           1	           0	              0
G1C1		1	              1		                 1		              0		           0	           1	              0
G1C2		-1	             -1		                -1		              0		           0	           1	              0	
G2C1		1	             -1		                 0		              1		           0	           0	              1	
G2C2		-1	              1		                 0		             -1		           0	           0	              1
G2C1		1	             -1		                 0		              1		           0	           0	              0
G2C2		-1	              1		                 0		             -1		           0	           0	              0
G3C1		1	              0		                 1		             -1		           0	           0	              0		
G3C2		-1	              0		                -1		              1		           0	           0	              0
G3C1		1	              0		                 1		             -1		           0	           0	              0
G3C2		-1	              0		                -1		              1		           0	           0	              0           

C1        1 0 0 0
C2        0 1 0 0       
C3        0 0 1 0
C4        0 0 0 1

I have a feeling that this approach isn't quite right. In the example on the fslwiki group is ommited as an EV but 1 is assigned to group 1 and -1 to group 2 which doesn't really allow for a third group. Is there a way around this?
Any comments feedback would be greatly appreciated.
