

Is it unusual that 2 sample T test with such sample size( 15 Aids and 12 controls) remains nothing after multiple comparisons correction on fsl? 

PS: Sorry,but the last but one paragraph should be corrected as:
"What surprise me is that tbss_tfce_p_tstat1.nii.gz and tbss_tfce_p_tstat2.nii.gz remain a lot of clusters (some of them contain hundreds of voxels ) after thresholded by 0.95, whereas  tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat1.nii.gz and tbss_tfce_corrp_tstat2.nii.gz (corrected 1-p result) leave nothing after thresholding."‍ 

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Anderson M. Winkler";<[log in to unmask]>;
Date:  Tue, Jul 29, 2014 01:40 AM
To:  "FSL"<[log in to unmask]>; 

Subject:  Re: [FSL] Need help for tbss

 My question is that if there are some errors in my processing?

Looks correct.

 Or,  the data doesn't provide significant difference between the Aids and control.

Exactly, no significant difference between the two groups. It's the corrp files that need to be looked at, and your study didn't identify any difference it seems.

All the best,
