Apologies for cross-posting
We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for The Connected Past conference and workshop at Imperial College London, 8-9 September 2014.

Networks, Complexity, Archaeology, History, Physics: this event will bring specialists from these fields together to discuss discipline-specific challenges and how these can be addressed with computational techniques.

The registration is £40 for those with financial support or waged, £20 for students and others with limited or no financial support. Travel bursaries are available for UK-based researchers.

Register here
More information on our website

The Connected Past: archaeological challenges and complexity is a one and a half day multi-disciplinary meeting to explore how concepts and techniques from network- and complexity science can be used to study archaeological data. These challenges include the use of material data as proxy evidence for past human behaviour, questions about long-term processes of social change, and the fragmentary nature of archaeological data. We aim to bring together physical scientists and archaeologists in order to highlight the challenges posed by archaeological data and research questions, and explore collaborative ways of tackling them using perspectives drawn from network and complexity science.
The workshop is funded in part by an EPSRC NetworkPlus grant addressing one of Physics Grand Challenges: Emergence and Physics Far From Equilibrium so this meeting will explore ways that archaeological problems can be tackled from such a viewpoint. There is likely to be a small registration fee to cover local costs but some of the funding can and will be used to support travel by some UK based researchers.
We hope to see you all there!
Organisers: Tim Evans (chair), Ray Rivers, Tom Brughmans, Anna Collar, Fiona Coward.
Advisory Committee: The Connected Past committee