Thanks to the 4 of you that have responded.
I think Anna's suggestions are very helpful and wecould maybeparaphrase Chomsky's analyis, adding the points I make.  We need to highlight the long term psychological damage as an important dimension.
But I don't have a sense of whether this list's members support doing something.
IF we are to do something this needs to happen within the next day or so.
Would anyone like to suggest aform of words?
Does anyone have major objections?
I assume we do this, as before, from the CP network.


From: Mark Burton


Visiting Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University

37 Chandos Rd South Chorlton Manchester M21 0TH, UK
+44 (0)161 881 6887 landline
+44 (0)777 594 9479 mobile
skype name: markburton52 Steady State Manchester Liberation Psychology Network Community Psychology UK personal blog including information on my publications Friends of Hough End Hall

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Wengraf <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 1:38 PM


Thanks, Anna for that strong reminder. You and Chomsky say it well!

Qualitative Research Methodology

Re:  The Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method: interviewing for lived experience


For a completely free BNIM Quick Outline Sketch with Bibliography;  or even for a less-free but low-cost  £10 BNIM Package  -- consisting of the BNIM Short Guide bound with Full BNIM Detailed Manuals plus, for after you start,  free email tuition on practice interview transcripts etc. -- please email me at [log in to unmask] shows how qualitative research can provide key indicators for understanding how a regime works….. takes a minute to read!

Re: Planet’s biographical  news.

 We all know that ecocide happens – for example, we know along the Amazon in South America an area of forest the size of France is lost every day. (see  And planetary climate degradation to 4C and above is heralded:

TTIP = Transatlantic Terror Intimidation by the Powerful  is the most recent struggle by the super-rich to completely subordinate states to their will, working through the corporations. You can help block  TTIP (officially disguised under the ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerships’)  can be blocked like previous  ones if we work at it.

Go to <> and search the site for “TTIP”.

If the governments of the super-rich  were successful in preventing all restraint of trade, all preservation of our eco-system, see what would happen to London when and as all the ice were melted. The City of London so keen on TTIP would be out on a limb, so to speak!

Weapons of Planetary Destruction (now ongoing at a government near you). And the US government has forced the watering down of the 5th IPCC report.

And thanks to Oxfam, we know a bit about the power relations: 85 people world-wide have extracted enough wealth equal to that of 3.5 billion people,  half the world’s population. Here in Britain, 5 families own wealth equal to that owned by the poorest 20% of the British population. 1 family owns more than do the bottom 10%. For dynamics of such elite-mass relations, see for example

How they do it? For massive corporate tax evasion by Google, Amazon and the Fortune Top 500, supported by the UK’s island tax sancturies,  go to an extraordinary report

Our small project to change a handful of biographies in Uganda

For news about our changing development project in a Ugandan village, supporting UK-Ugandan dialogue and hopefull raising co-consciousness,  a project fostering agricultural training, microcredit loans for women to set up small businesses and psycho-social and material support for the poorest children, see


-----Original Message-----
From: The UK Community Psychology Discussion List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Anna Zoli
Sent: 13 July 2014 13:27
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Fwd: GAZA

Dear fellows,

I agree that a statement would be a signal of our position towards the facts, both as community psychologists and as individuals. If research is still a socially relevant profession (living in Italy it happens to doubt it), as researchers, dealing with people and the globalized society, we have to take a stand and assert ourselves.

Moreover, we have to be aware of what is going on, not only at present, but framing the present in the historical process. This means considering that: "Europe for centuries was the most savage place in the world. The level of savagery was so extraordinary that they developed both the means and the culture to conquer the world. And a large part of the reason for the savagery was the attempt to impose the nation-state, which is extremely unnatural; it breaks up people who have natural connections, it imposes unity on people who are not unified, whether by language or culture or anything else. It takes a lot of violence and brutality to impose a rigid frame on complex, fluid organisms like human societies."

Noam Chomsky in Rabbani M., "Reflections on a Lifetime of Engagement with Zionism, the Palestine Question, and American Empire: An Interview with Noam Chomsky and Mouin Rabbani", Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol 41, no. 3 (Spring 2012), p. 92. 


So, in taking a stand on the issue, it's foundamental not blaming only Israelis, but considering the political responsibilities of International Peace Corps, european and non-european countries: 

"Demonstrating their passionate “yearning for democracy,” the US and Israel, backed by the timid European Union, at once imposed a brutal siege, along with intensive military attacks." See more on:

I'm quoting Chomsky a lot for the efficacy of his words, of course you can find many more witnesses, journalists and reporters.

I consider the following particularly clear:

“The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. 

It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.

The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians.

Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder.

When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can’t defend yourself when you’re militarily occupying someone else’s land. That’s not defense. Call it what you like, it’s not defense.” 


Sorry for making it so long. I am ready for a statement.

Hope to hear more from the group.

ANNA ZOLI, PhD Europaeus

Human Sciences - Behavior and Social Relations Sciences Dep. of Political Sciences, Communication and International Relations University of Macerata, Italy

Fellowship 2013 at York St. John University, Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, York, UK

Phone: 0039 349 0707889

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Citando Mark Burton <[log in to unmask]>:



> -----Original Message-----

> From: [log in to unmask]

> To: [log in to unmask]

> Sent: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 9:32 PM

> Subject: GAZA


> This is what we said in 2009 when Gaza's civilians were being bombed 

> by the occupying power.


> ml


> It's happening again.

> More than 100 dead.

> Hospitals damaged.

> Families cowering in fear.

> Many many homeless.

>  And the blockade means a shortage of medicines and other vital supplies.

> Warships shelling Gaza and rockets landing without warning. 80% of  

> Gaza's population are refugees or their descendants.

> Confined in a small area - probably the most crowded on earth.

> There are no smart bombs - always collateral damage.

> The Nakba goes on.

> Beyond the deaths and wounds, imagine the psychological damage.

> BBC as usual giving biased reporting.

> Don't believe me - read this from the mainstream Independent  


> Are community psychologists up for making another statement and  

> getting maximum publicity and traction for it?



> From: Mark Burton


> Scholar-Activist.


> Visiting Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University


> 37 Chandos Rd South Chorlton Manchester M21 0TH, UK

> Telephones:

> +44 (0)161 881 6887 landline

> +44 (0)777 594 9479 mobile

> skype name: markburton52


> Steady State Manchester


> Liberation Psychology Network


> Community Psychology UK


> personal blog including information on my  

> publications


> Friends of Hough End Hall


> ___________________________________

> There is a twitter feed: (to post  

> contact Grant [log in to unmask]

> To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK  

> list, visit the website:



Anna Zoli



  Sostieni il *Progetto giovani ricercatori*:

  5 per mille all'Universita' di Macerata - C.F.: 00177050432



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