

Does anybody know if this support letter has
been published anywhere by anyone?

Kind Regards

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On 26 Jul 2014, at 14:43, "Mark Burton" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

This is to update you on this statement.  The statement is online at   I will also post to
We have now 98 signatures.  You can still sign the statement and we'll add your details.

It has been sent to Guardian, FInancial Times, Morning Star, AL Jazeera and Independent, as well as BBC.  None have published anything on it but that is not too surprising since there is a lot of news and activity on Gaza at the moment. The link to the statement has been shared widely via twitter. It has been shared with Medical Aid to Palestinians, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and contacts in Palestine (West Bank).
Do please feel free to share it further.  Some signatures came via people's contacts on other lists so please do again share this update so people know something of what has happened since they signed.

Carl Walker and Jacqui Akhurst took an earlier version of the statement to the immediate past president of the British Psychological Society for advice on whether the CP section is allowed to issue it.  Since the BPS is a registered charity there are some limitations on 'political' activity, and while broadly supportive of the idea, the advice was that the statement as it stands is 'too polemical'.  My own view is that it just states the facts of the matter, but bear in mind that he was looking at an earlier version with less emphasis in the psychosocial consequences and on the retro-impact on the population in Israel too.
It may be that a slightly more finessed statement can be issued.

Thanks again to all who have signed and to Tamsin for pulling it all together and updating the list this week.

From Mark Burton

From: Mark Burton


Visiting Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University Steady State Manchester  Liberation Psychology  Network  Community Psychology UK personal blog including information on my publications.

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