

Hello everybody.
I notice quite a few tickets going stale this week - rather then 
exhaustively name and shame (especially after going over the tickets 
just last week) I'll just ask sites to please check their tickets and 
update them if they look crusty.

28 Open UK Tickets today.

NGI (9/6)
The creation of a new UK Cloud site UKI-LT2-IC-HEP-Cloud. Jeremy has 
created the site and I see Adam has signed himself up as an Admin to it. 
Does anything else need doing? In progress (11/6)

EMI 2 APEL tickets for RHUL and MANCHESTER:
Not much noise from either of these tickets.

Sno+ ran into a spot of bother with some of the UK vomses, Robert 
replied with a good explanation of what was going on at Manchester. 
Something for the other voms sites to watch out for (although you 
probably know all about it). In progress (is it solved?) (16/6)

SUSSEX (9/6)
Matt RB fixed one atlas problem with the Sussex Storm SE, but another 
has come along- looking like bad checksums. Wahid suggests asking Chris 
Walker (the Storm Whisperer) for his advice. In progress (16/6) (28/3)
Sussex's EMI ticket - almost done now, I believe the alarms are 
disappearing and now the problems are with services not working (but as 
we discussed last week, upgraded and broken is still upgraded!). In 
progress (13/6) (21/5)
Sorry to be picking on Sussex. I suspect this Sno+ cvmfs ticket has been 
put on the back burner - can it be put on hold until you get round to 
it. In progress (9/6)

Same for

I think that's all.
