

Dear Mailinglist,

I am struggeling with a multimodal integration between EEG-Data processing
in SPM using freesurfer-generated meshes of cortical ROIs.
In order to make a source reconstruction on these ROIS I need them to be
coregistered with my forward model which I generate from the individual
MRI. The freesurfer mesh in which ROIs are demarcated is also registered to
the same MRI but there is a nonlinear spatial deformation done by the
freesufer algorithm, making the freesurfer mesh being slightly tilted and
shifted compared to the cortical mesh generated by SPM.

Any of the 4x4 transformation matrices that are encoded in the freesurfer
files don't overcome this shift. The function spm_swarp using the y_....nii
file generated by SPM does some shifting to the input (either the
freesurfer mesh, or the cortical mesh), but it never completely alignes the
freesurfer mesh to any of my SPM-generated files of the T1 (cortex_8196,
the vol-struct).

I would be very grateful if anyone could give me hints, suggestions ideas
how I can nonlinearly warp the two point clouds.

Marlene Bönstrup