

Hi Patricia,

> We feel it is not reasonable to enter all 8 runs in the same realign
> with such a big distance. Or is it?

You could try :) As mentioned by John in the past, between-session 
motion is handled differently from within-session motion, in that the 
algorithm will try to get all first (or mean) images from all sessions 
into one space in a first go. So it may actually work.

> We tried to move the Time2 time series using the "reorient image" option
> in checkreg, so they would be in rough alignment with the time series at
> Time1 before the realign, but found out that as long as the images are
> not resliced, the realign ignores those changes.

It should not. Have you actually applied the changes to all images? 
Also, you could try "standard realignment" for all sessions from each 
session and then coregistration of the first/mean image of the first 
session from Time2 to the first/mean image of the first session from 
Time1, *taking along all images* from all sessions from Time2. You can 
also use the anatomical images if you have one from each timepoint, as 
they will provide better details and may be less vulnerable to different 
dropouts etc.

> Is it ok to reslice the
> images twice, once before and once after the realign? (we would like to
> use dartel to register to the MNI space). Or is there a better solution
> to our problem?

Try the above. John has gone to great lengths to avoid instances where 
the data needs to be resliced; that alone tells us it is not a good idea :)

PD Dr. med. Marko Wilke
  Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  Leiter, Experimentelle Pädiatrische Neurobildgebung
  Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)

Marko Wilke, MD, PhD
  Head, Experimental Pediatric Neuroimaging
  University Children's Hospital
  Dept. III (Pediatric Neurology)

Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1
  D - 72076 Tübingen, Germany
  Tel. +49 7071 29-83416
  Fax  +49 7071 29-5473
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