

I am quite interested in doing some further work using race and ethnicity information, just for the experience.

I'm wondering about issues related to the interaction between 'place of residence' or area, and ethnicity, and the effect on health. That could be fairly challenging/complex analysis -  so maybe a review of evidence in that area, and some suggestions for further research may be suffice?

This is because I'm looking at statistics for a deprived area, where on various levels in various ways, general health and disability is clearly worse than other areas etc. I'm pondering on the impact of the environment itself, i.e. an isolated area beyond the reach of some services etc – and how that exacerbates any existing health inequalities. And then the influence of race, ethnicity etc on those dynamics.

So if anyone is interested in doing some of that type of work, please get in touch. I would need someone who was either a demographer and/or health statistician to complement my capacity and skills.

I can probably spare about 5 hours per week.

Kate Bloor
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