Sorry for the second e-mail, but thought I would let you know that the deadline for the workshop below has been extended to Monday 9th June



From: Collins, Emily
Sent: 20 May 2014 13:31
To: Research of postgraduate psychologists.
Subject: Call for Papers - Socio-technical Systems and Work-Home Boundaries


Hi everyone,


We’re organising a workshop on the role of technology on work-home boundaries, and thought I’d forward it onto this list in case there are any psychology students/post-docs researching in a related area. All students and post-docs accepted onto the workshop will have their workshop fees covered (although unfortunately not conference fees). The conference is very interdisciplinary, so is open to those working in all areas including psychology, computer science, social sciences or HCI.











Workshop at MobileHCI 2014 - September 23, 2014 - Toronto, Canada




The advances in technology in recent years have had many positive effects on the ways in which people can combine work and home life. For example, having remote access means that many can work from home, or work flexible work patterns that fit around caring responsibilities. However, mobile technologies and their specific design characteristics present challenges for those seeking an acceptable or satisfactory work-home balance. For example, the ‘always-online’ culture can undermine work-home boundaries and cause stress to those who feel under pressure to respond to digital notifications immediately. The default settings on many smartphones mean that owners of such devices are frequently alerted by beeps and vibrations to new messages via an array of communication channels. Such irresistible interruptions result in friends and family complaining that the smartphone owner is not always mentally present. Such situations are so common that the term 'Crackberry' has entered common parlance to refer to the excessive use of the Blackberry smartphone by its users. This workshop will consider how a socio-technical perspective could inform new approaches of thinking about mobile technology design by highlighting the ways in which technologies are bound with particular values and work and home practices.


Call for Participation


We hope the workshop will bring together researchers from different disciplinary perspectives, including HCI, social science and Science and Technology Studies. The workshop goals are:


*To explore different methodological approaches to studying the interactions between mobile technologies and work-home boundaries

*To explore socio-technical perspectives, which view work-home boundaries as being constituted by everyday socio-technical practices

*To provide actionable knowledge to inform the design of technologies that help to make, manage or challenge boundaries between work and home life

*To problematize how work-home boundaries have been conceptualised


We invite researchers to submit an extended abstract of up to 4 pages addressing one or more of the workshop goals. Please use the ACM Proceedings Format and email your paper as a PDF to: [log in to unmask] . For more details, go to


Please remember to let us know if you are a PhD student or post-doctoral researcher as we will pay your workshop fee if your paper is accepted.


Abstract Submission Deadline: May 30th 2014  June 9th 2014

Notification of Acceptance: 18th July 2014

Workshop: 23rd September 2014



Anna L Cox (UCL Interaction Centre) [log in to unmask] , Jon Bird (City University London) [log in to unmask] , Natasha Mauthner (University of Aberdeen) [log in to unmask] , Susan Dray (Dray & Associates, Inc) [log in to unmask] , Anicia Peters (Iowa State University) [log in to unmask] , Emily Collins (UCL Interaction Centre) [log in to unmask]