

Hi Thelma,
This is a current topic for me. At the moment I'm working with HR to develop an improved 
way of identifying trends in sickness absence. It should enable us to develop
more structured strategies on specific areas (mental health and back pain the big hitters as always).

HR normally generates the sickness absence data, based on how line managers
"code" the absences in the electronic T+A (time and attendance) system. Sickness absence figures 
are then broken down into departments and shifts and communicated monthly to senior managers. 

When entering absences into the T+A system, managers often entered "Ill" or "Sick".
We needed to improve the input options (garbage in / garbage out) to produce better categories of data.
We are now working on an improved set of absences codes and are using guidance from the CIPD (attached).

I think that producing sickness absence stats is more of a HR function. For one they own the 
attendance policy, secondly wouldn't this would entail OH having to receive and process a huge amount
of information, including fit notes? 

I do keep a log of why people are referred to OH and their diagnosis and this helps support
the identification of trends. However not all people who go off sick are referred to OH - another 
reason why HR are better placed to gather the correct data. 


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