

Hi all I am back, and thanks to Elizabeth and Laura who kept the thing going


Just a thought


I have been travelling in several countries, towns, cities and villages, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Germany France Florence etc.


I have spotted only one library, that was the National Library of Florence, some of you will remember the 2 floods they had there in the last 10 or more years.


But alas I saw no mobile, village or town libraries. I know there are some in Amsterdam as years ago I visited some, but I do hope the English landscape becomes bereft of them in the same ways these countries seem to be.


Rural France looked broken and deserted. not even charity shops in the towns and villages, and only a few had their beloved boulangerie still in existence. Switzerland looked in better shape, and Italy although quieter did not look run down


BUT I DID WONDER where have all the libraries gone, poor maybe they never were?


Labour's Goodman warns on library volunteers




Frances Hendrix

Martin House Farm, Hilltop Lane, Whittle le Woods, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7QR

Tel:  01257 274 833.   Mobile: 0777 55 888 03