

III International Seminar on LIS Education and Research (LIS-ER)
Barcelona, 4-5 June 2015

The School of Library and Information Science in Barcelona was founded in 1915 and is the second oldest LIS School in Europe and currently the oldest integrated into a University. The aim of the School, initially only for women, was to educate the librarians responsible for the public library network planned by the Catalan government and built from 1918 onwards, inspired by the British and North American library systems.

Since its foundation, the School has uninterruptedly provided professional education for Catalan information professionals. All through its history the School has maintained an active international presence, being strongly involved in associations such as IFLA and EUCLID.

Next year we will celebrate our 100th anniversary. We feel that it provides a wonderful opportunity to look back over the achievements and failings of the European LIS curriculum project developed in 2005 and to discuss the future of LIS education and research. We have organised a seminar that aims to bring together representatives from leading European LIS schools to discuss together the challenges faced by our field and to take a major step forward in our shared analysis and in our strategic planning.

The seminar will include panels of leaders in LIS education and research who will be asked to address key issues related to the future of our field. Participation by attendees for commenting on the issues raised by keynote speakers/contributors will be highly encouraged. A call for poster presentations will be announced at a later date.


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Ángel Borrego
Universitat de Barcelona
Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació
Melcior de Palau, 140
08014 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 40 33751<>

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