

Many thanks for your reply.

In order to verify its correctness, I drew a spherical ROI in MNI standard space. 

Then I read the ROI and converted the voxel coordinates into mm coordinates (using ind2sub and vox2mni). That is to say, these mm coordinates are (x’,y’,z’) coordinates in the reference image.

Next, img2imgcoord command was called to acquire corresponding native space mm coordinates, which correspond to (x,y,z) coordinates in the original image . 

In order to see if the (x,y,z) is corresponding to (x’,y’,z’), I converted these mm coordinates into voxel coordinates (using mni2vox and sub2ind) and wrote it as ROI.

Theoretically, the two ROIs should be similar with each other both in shape and location. However, the two ROIs are heterochiral when opened with MRIcro.

I don’t know why this hanppens. 
Hope for your help.
