

Hi Mark,

I'm very sorry. I did a multi-part message so I could attach my design
file, but wrote the actual message in the plain text box and it must not
have sent. I'm running a repeated measures ANOVA (2x2 design). After
looking through the message boards, I'm pretty clear on the GLM I need to
set up, but would appreciate verification that this is the right design,
and would like clarification on one point. My design is an intervention
study with an experimental and control group. The task is an event-related
design, and I have already run the first-level analysis (see the design
file previously attached). The first-level produced three lower-level
copes. Thus, I believe my higher level design would look similar to the
example on the FEAT user page for repeated measures ANOVA, 2x2 design. For
example, with two subjects (1 control, 1 experimental) my design file would
look something like:

                                     Group      EV1(Time)         EV2(Group
Input1(subject1-pre)           1                1                     1
Input2(subject1-post)         1               -1                     1
Input3(subject2-pre)           1                1                    -1
Input4(subject2-post)         1               -1                    -1

The contrasts would then be:

                                     EV1            EV2        EV3
ME Time                         1                 0             0
ME Group                        0                 1            0
GroupxTime                     0                 0            1

My questions are, is this the appropriate set-up for my analysis? And, I
also noticed a fourth EV on the FEAT User guide example of 2x2 ANOVA with
all 1's. I wasn't sure what the purpose of the 4th EV was and whether I
would need it in my analysis. If you could provide further clarification on
these points, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much for your


On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Mark Jenkinson <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm afraid that there was no question in this email, just an image.
> Can you re-post the question?
> All the best,
>         Mark
> On 25 Jun 2014, at 22:39, Alisha Janssen <
> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > <firstlevel_post.png>

Alisha Janssen
Doctoral Student of Clinical Psychology
Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory
The Ohio State University
1835 Neil Avenue
[log in to unmask]