

This may be of interest; please send on.

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion list for Connected Communities Researchers [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Helen Graham
Sent: 12 June 2014 08:40
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Invitation to participate in a Connected Communities Festival workshop exploring Heritage Legacies

Please of pass on to any community history/heritage groups that have been involved in Connected Communities,
Best wishes, Helen

Connected Communities Festival, 1st and 2nd July 2014
Invitation to participate in a workshop exploring Heritage Legacies

Tuesday 2nd July, Roald Suite, St David's Hotel Conference Centre:  9.30 - 10.30 am

Have you taken part in a Connected Communities heritage project and want to think about it's legacy? What difference have your Connected Communities heritage project made? What are the values and impacts of collaborative heritage research?

Heritage Legacies is an AHRC Connected Communities project aimed at exploring the legacies - outcomes, benefits, assets - created by co-produced heritage research. We are working with a range of Connected Communities heritage projects to understand legacies and propose future possibilities for community-university partnerships in this field. Our overall aims are to learn not just about the individual successes and failures of research, but to explore the dynamics of heritage relationships and the legacies that are being formed. We want to help shape the future of community and co-produced heritage research.

As part of the AHRC Connected Communities Festival the Heritage Legacies project team are organising a 1-hour workshop to further our collective thinking about these questions.  We would like to invite people who participated in HLF funded All Our Stories Projects, the AHRC Research for Community Heritage programme or any community history/heritage group who has taken part in an AHRC Connected Communities project to participate in this workshop.

Our workshop is part of a Connected Communities Festival in which many collaborative research projects will be presenting their work. As well as attending our workshop you will also have the opportunity to visit the Connected Communities exhibitions, attend other workshops and performances, meet other projects and interact with the programme funders, as well as spend time with the Heritage Legacies team.

We have 10-15 travel and accommodation bursaries available to help meet the costs of participation.  We especially welcome groups based in Wales but are keen to hear from community history/heritage groups around UK.

If you are interested in attending the workshop and would like to apply for a bursary then write to Helen Graham, on the contract details below, answering these questions:

1) Name and group

2) What Connected Communities project have you worked on?

3) Why are you interested in exploring legacies? (100 max)

4) Where would you be travelling from?

To express interest in attending this event and to apply for the bursary, please contact:

Helen Graham, Research Fellow in Heritage, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Deadline: 23rd June 2014