

Many congratulations to the RNLI Archive on part of their collection being inscribed onto the UNESCO UK Memory of the World register; it is a worthy addition.

There are now three charity archives that have been inscribed onto the register including the RNLI:

- Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) in 2010
- The Children's Society Archive in 2011

For more on this see the CHARM Facebook page:!/CHARMOnline/photos/a.777554732261936.1073741825.582944255056319/893639407320134/?type=1

This is an important point and illustrates the national importance of charity sector archives, offering strong evidence that there is the need for a future survey of the sector and additional advocacy work. For more information about the debate surrounding the future of charity archives recently held at the Institute of Education see:!/CHARMOnline/posts/875998825750859

Ian Wakeling
Records, Archive and Data Protection Manager
The Children's Society Records and Archive Centre | Block A Floor 2 | Tower Bridge Business Complex | 100 Clements Road | London SE16 4DG<x-apple-data-detectors://0/0>
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On 19 Jun 2014, at 21:27, "Hayley Whiting [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> [charm-online]" <[log in to unmask]><mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
<*>[Attachment(s) from Hayley Whiting included below]

Dear all

This evening in Edinburgh, at an awards ceremony organised by the Scottish Council on Archives and hosted by Lloyds Banking Group, the UNESCO Memory of the World UK Committee announced nine new inscriptions to its UK register of outstanding documentary heritage. One of the new inscriptions is a collection of records held by the RNLI Archives: The records of the Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck (1823-1854): These records relate to the foundation and the early years of what became the RNLI, the first national lifeboat institution in the world.

UNESCO established the Memory of the World (MoW) Programme in 1992. The programme vision is that the world's documentary heritage belongs to all, should be fully preserved and protected for all and, with due recognition of cultural mores and practicalities, should be permanently accessible to all without hindrance.

The nine new inscriptions will join the 41 already listed on the UK register (one of several country-level programmes from around the world). Awarding this globally-recognised status helps to raise awareness of some of the UK's exceptional documentary riches. Tonight's reception will also celebrate five inscriptions to the international register, which identifies world class documentary heritage.

Archive collections are filled with stories about people, places and events - they are the documented memory of humankind. Nominations for the register are considered against a range of criteria, including authenticity, rarity, integrity, threat and social, spiritual or community significance.

To learn more about the MoW programme visit

Hayley Whiting
Heritage Archive and Research Manager

(Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

01202 336196<br />
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