Longitude Prize 2014: VOTING ENDS AT 7.10pm (UK time) TODAY

Developed by Nesta and funded by the Technology Strategy Board, the Longitude 2014 Prize is a challenge with a £10 million prize to help solve one of the most pressing issues of our time. 

Six areas of research and innovation are being considered to receive the prize: antibiotics, dementia, paralysis, water and food. Of course it’s your choice who you wish to vote for, but perhaps plant scientists might like to cast a vote for the “Food” challenge?!

To cast your vote, you can text FOOD (or the word associated to the challenge of your choice) to 60011 (texts charged at your standard network rate), or vote online at the BBC Horizon programme website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mgxf

You can find out more about the Longitude Prize at http://www.longitudeprize.org/