Here are this weeks sites of the week

Also posted here.


Remember you can also keep up to date with individual publications from our listings.


Celebrating International Labour Day see our recommended resources on
May 1st  labour and trade union history.




On the Labour history theme, here is a really useful site: Cesar Chavez:  The Farmworker Movement: 1962-1993 from UV San Diego Library

A very detailed online resource providing free access to primary source accounts from the volunteers who worked with Cesar Chavez to build his farmworker movement during the period, 1962-1993. There are  photographs, video materials and essays which set the materials in context. It provides insight into labour relations, agricultural unions and the contribution of Hispanic Americans to the  labour movement in the USA



Social Media and the Vatican

The canonisation of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II on 27 April was a social media event.  A special  website was created.  This has event schedules, biographies of the popes and explanations of their  canonisations. You can also view online videos of the ceremonies. There was a Twitter handle@2popesaints.  This makes interesting reading with photographs, photos and cartoons. Plus a  Facebook page and The YouTube channel of the Vatican also has videos of events.
For background information on the process of beatification and canonization see:



2014 Audit of Political Engagement released by the Hansard Society

This annual report considers knowledge, understanding,  engagement and participation in politics by the British public.  The full text can be downloaded from the website.  This year it also covers attitudes towards the European Parliament elections;  trust of MPs and parliament. The statistics include breakdowns of data by gender and ethnic group.



Indian elections

Check our elections blog for the latest postings. This  week we have added information on women and the election plus links to useful think tanks covering the elections. On this theme:



 Grassroots Feminist Political Posters in India

From the University of Wisconsin Digital Library is a fabulous collection.  It is taken from physical holdings held by Olakh, a feminist organization based in Vadodara, Gujarat, India. The materials are arranged in 6 broad themes:  feminist thought, violence, conflict resolution, women’s rights, health and education. They celebrate self-organisation by community groups. Copyright information is supplied on the individual records.



Zero Hour Contracts

The UK Office for National Statistics has just released some initial data on the number of individuals employed on zero hours contracts. It includes definitions of the term,  data by gender and age and whether the individuals wanted more work.
For further information on this topic try these resources:



Trattati di Pace Europei in Età Moderna

An excellent digital archive from the Archivio di Stato di Torino covers early peace treaties.

The aim of the project is to bring together on a single website reproductions of the major international treaties of peace in Europe of the modern age , 1450-1789 . This section forms part of the larger project developed by the Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Institute for European History ) of Mainz.Europäische Friedensverträge der Vormoderne. The Turin site has digitised images from microfilms of rare treaties covering its own regions namely  areas of Sardinia and  Savoy. Free registration required before access to full text.




Are Students addicted to their Mobile Phones?

Read this interesting exploratory paper. Hooked on Smartphones: An Exploratory Study on Smartphone Overuse among College Students by Uichin Lee et al.
Association for Computing Machinery
This is just one of new titles added to Media and communications page this week. Others include:  Ofcom adults media use and attitudes research report 2014.




Heather Dawson


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