

Forgive me, please, while I shamelessly plug a forthcoming event here in 
Slindon at St Mary's Church. John Godfrey and Sue Hepburn, two 
accomplished historians with a special interest in The First War, are 
coming to speak at an event organised under the aegis of The 2014 
Festival of Chichester. Given the current anniverary of the start of the 
First World War, it promises to be relevant and interesting, especially 
to those of us who are lucky enough to live in Sussex.  The following 
comes from the FoC programme (where there numerous other events also):

*Friday, 4 July, 7.30pm
St Mary's Church, Church Hill, Slindon, BN18 0RB*


Using contemporary records, diaries, letters and poetry, historians Sue 
Hepburn and John Godfrey will discuss the impact of the war on Sussex, 
including the recruitment of men into Kitchener's New Army, their 
deployment and the extent to which they were motivated by an attachment 
to the county of Sussex.

Tickets £10; students £5; children free

Tickets are available via the Festival box office 
( or through me (01243 814693) or John 
Barrett (01243814265).
/Nancy Brinton/