

Dear Colleagues,


The Scottish Council on Archives has engaged Frank Rankin to develop additional guidance to support organisations in making use of our records retention schedules. The current schedules can be found here:


This guidance would be provided in addition to the schedules themselves to help users get the most from the schedules in implementing records management within their own organisation.


We want to hear from you.


If you have used or attempted to use our records retention schedules, please take a few minutes to complete the project questionnaire:


Alternatively, you can contact Frank ([log in to unmask]) to share your views and ideas informally.


We hope you will participate in the survey before 13 June 2014.


Thank you for your playing your part in developing this resource to support records professionals and others with records responsibilities across Scotland.


Best wishes,



Benjamin Bennett

Communication and Operations Officer



General Register House  2 Princes Street  Edinburgh  EH1 3YY  E  [log in to unmask]  T  +44 (0)131 535 1362  M  +44 (0)787 520 0694  Follow us @ScotsArchives


A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC044553)


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