

Hello, dear colleagues!


Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. My university work has been non-stop, but I’m back!


The record is dead, long live the record

Declarations by pundits that records are dead demonstrates ignorance of records management, risk management, and eDiscovery. The problem is the number of people attempting to practice records management without the training. Accountants, lawyers, e-Discovery experts, content management consultants, search & “taxonomy” consultants all claim to provide advice to organizations on their “records.” Most will advise the purchase of technology without determining how the organization’s current enterprise architecture is stymying employees’ ability, even when well-trained, to follow policies regarding the management of information.


Best wishes,



Carol E.B. Choksy, PhD IGP CRM PMP

Information Governance Blog



IRAD Strategic Consulting, Inc.

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Adjunct Lecturer

Department of Information and Library Science

School of Informatics and Computer Science

Indiana University, Bloomington

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