


The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has asked me to return to
help develop a Design program. How could I resist? Starting June 1, I
return to be Director of *Design at UCSD*, housed in the California
Institute for Telecommunication and Information Technology (Calit2). We
start off with strong support across the campus. Our governing committee
consists of faculty from theater, visual arts, and the schools of
management, engineering, and social sciences. We hope to launch seminars,
symposia, a lecture series, courses, and an annual conference, preaching
and developing a truly interdisciplinary field of design, integrating
across the disciplines, combining art, science, technology and people. It
is too early to announce specific plans and programs. Moreover, we are
intentionally vague because the creativity and efforts of the group we
bring together will move us forward in ways we cannot predict. We plan to
invite both practitioners and researchers, the better to advance design in
important, creative, and exciting new ways.

We welcome partnerships with Industry and Universities.

Don Norman

Director, Design@UCSD

(Prof. Emeritus of Cognitive Science and Psychology)

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