

Dear FSL-users,

I have a question regarding the labels in the JHU ICBM-DTI-81 atlas.

In my results fractional anisotrophy correlates with the Stroop-test (cognitive measure of interference) in the following structures :

beo-04> atlasquery -a "JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White-Matter Labels" -m Maske_Stroop-FA.nii
Anterior limb of internal capsule L:36.9393
Anterior corona radiata L:55.6728
External capsule L:5.5409

As you can see, the atlas assigns a value to each structure and I found the follwing explanation about it: ...  the atlas assigns a unique label, one of integer values from 0 to 50, to each voxel in the ICBM-DTI-81 space to indicate that the voxel belongs to one of 50 well-documented deep white matter tracts.

First of all: If the values are from 0 to 50, why do I get a value of 55.6728 in the anterior corona radiata?

Secondly: What is the right way of interpreting the values? 

Looking forward to an explanation! :-)
