

Hi Mark, thanks for the reply.

The problem is this (hopefully it will clarify), if I use flirt to create a
linear registration of the mean of the functional data to the structural I
get a matrix that cannot be applied by applywarp or applyxfm to the full
functional data but I can do this with flirt. I couldn't work out why feat
would do the registration but I couldn't do it by the command line so I
ended up going through all the steps and seeing where it fails and it was
at the first linear transform. I don't use fieldmaps either, we don't have
them for this data :(. The problem seems to be that feat uses flirt to
apply the concatenation of linear transforms whereas I was using applywarp
and then after that did not work I tried applyxfm4d (I didn't know flirt
could do this until I dug through the logs in feat).

Could I clarify, for future reference, if I use field maps with epi_reg do
I get a .mat file that is a warp or a .nii.gz file as normal?

My files aren't that big, I got confused by the log in feat as it says it's
using hi-res images but it just means T1's so that's where the hi-res bit
came from. I am using ~600mb or less files at 64x64x64 as you say. I also
use 2mm space. I don't think that should be a problem?

Maybe you could try the matrix above. I don't know why it would be doing
this. The matrix doesn't look that contorted and I don't really have
problems with any other files.



On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Mark Jenkinson <[log in to unmask]
> wrote:

>  Hi,
>  When you use bbr with fieldmaps then the transformation is non-linear
> rather than linear.  I cannot tell from your email if you are using
> fieldmaps or not, but I will assume you are.  In that case then only flirt
> and applywarp are capable of applying the correct transformation.  The
> epi_reg script should write out an appropriate warp for applywarp.  So I'm
> not sure what you mean by applywarp does not work but flirt alone does.
>  Applyxfm4D is not intended for non-linear transformations and this should
> not be used if you have fieldmaps.
>  The reason it is using all of your memory might be due to the size of
> your timeseries.  The epi_reg script tries to apply the warp to the whole
> 4D dataset, and this may be large, depending on your images, as going to
> MNI space (especially the 1mm or 0.5mm versions) will *really* increase the
> size of the images.  For instance, if your functional images were
> 64x64x64x300 then the file size would be about 600MB (as each value is
> typically stored with 8 bytes).  However, if you resampled to the 1mm MNI
> space, which is 182x218x182, then the file size would become 16GB!   And
> given that most programs require two copies of something in memory at some
> point during their execution, this means that it will probably slow down or
> crash on a machine with less than 30GB of memory.
>  The second paragraph above would also apply to the non-fieldmap case,
> with just linear transformations, as you are still trying to create a very
> large file.
>  If you really need to create a high-resolution standard space version of
> your image then you probably need to use a machine with a lot of memory.
>  Alternatively, you might think about resampling to a lower-resolution
> standard space, such as a 3mm or 4mm resolution, which is often what is
> done for ICA analyses.
>  I hope this helps.
> All the best,
> Mark
>  On 1 May 2014, at 18:01, Thomas Nickson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>  I've noticed that this can be applied with flirt and flirt alone,
> applywarp and applyxfm4d does not work. Seems to be a bug.
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:46 PM, Thomas Nickson <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have been trying to register some functional images to mni space. I
>> have used a number of methods but I have found that if I use standard
>> functional and structural images and put them in epi_reg then at the stage
>> of applying the linear transformation from the non-bbr flirt it eats all of
>> the machines ram and is then killed. It's only this one file but I don't
>> understand why it happens.
>> If I run it using applyxfm4d instead it doesn't use all of the ram
>> instantly but it's been running for over an hour and is increasingly using
>> all the ram. I suspect it is just a slower version of the same problem.
>> The mat file doesn't look too strange but maybe someone else has had this
>> problem or knows what I am doing wrong. I have tried feat which seems to
>> use the same method, just running epi_reg but with the added step of
>> generating hi-res structural images, and this seems to work but running
>> epi_reg alone does not. It crashes.
>> 0.9999879953  -0.004211583523  0.002482311973  1.383813017
>> 0.004258561284  0.99980606  -0.01923345401  -6.171911295
>> -0.00240082707  0.01924379718  0.9998119479  62.65789894
>> 0  0  0  1
>> Any help appreciated,