

I was in a small team doing rapid (even ultra-rapid) reviews of public
health topics for a year. We followed a systematic review format, but with
clear caveats (limited search, English-language only, no meta-analysis, no
unpublished data ...) which we made clear to the users. A
standard systematic review appraisal checklist was used for peer review,
but bearning in mind these caveats.

2014-05-12 7:40 GMT+01:00 Catherine Voutier <[log in to unmask]>:

> Hi all
> I've just read this article: What is a rapid review? A methodological
> exploration of rapid reviews in Health Technology Assessments.
> How would you critically appraise a rapid review? Given that there is no
> overarching methodological format to these, I wouldn't use the SR appraisal
> checklist. Or could you?
> I'd be interested to know what ebh-listers think.
> Catherine Voutier
> Royal Melbourne Hospital – City Campus | Ground Floor, Main Block
> Grattan Street, Parkville Victoria 3050
> T: + 61 3 9342 4089 | [log in to unmask] |